I had this last Friday off work. Conveniently this was the same weekend that the Craft and Quilt Fair was on at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.
I got there after lunch and stayed till almost closing (5pm). Lot and lots of stuff to see. Unfortunately the later start meant I didn't really have time for much in the way of that talks or classes though I did briefly sit in on part of the one on hand dyeing fabric "Quick and Easy Hand Dyeing" with Joy White from Starr Laces and Ribbons which was interesting. Made me want to make a mess with colour at the very least.
In the purchasing area I brought an expensive cross stitch chart I'll probably never do, a few small kits including the already completed babushka, a couple of new qsnaps, some no thread needles and a heaps of scissors - I like them and the deal was 4 for $10. I got 4 3.25inch and 4 4inch plus a cute pair at a different shop to attach a fob to in the near future. I've already given my brother a couple of the scissor, I'll give my sister some too and keep the rest safe for when I inevitably misplace the one I'm using at the moment.
The shows website kind of sux's. You'd think they'd at least have a search function.
Something interesting at the show was 'The Sentinelles' (a display by Dijanne Cevaal).
The original piece was just the one large Sentinelle completed by Dijanne Cevaal. The smaller pieced were printed up and sold for individuals to decorate as they wanted.
The individual interpretations of the same basic design was an interesting concept. I'm not sure how much I liked them but they were very interesting and colourful.
What I really really loved was the display for the 5000 Poppies: a Tribute of Respect and Remembrance.
The aim is to have 5000 by Anzac Day 2015 and the Centenary Commemoration. If they even get close to that it'll look fairly epic.
The pictures, taken with my phone, do not in anyway way do this display justice. So looking forward to the full display next year.
There were also some new tea cosies by Loani Prior. Much cute - I'll have to get a move on with that learning to crochet thing. Maybe not to create tea cosies but I'd like to make a few granny square throws.
In respect for the photography policy in relation to the quilt display I won't post any of the personal pictures I took of the quilt showcase. While they can be used for personal use and I'm certainly not making any money off this blog and don't ever expect to it's probably better to error on the side of caution.
BUT the Brother quilt competition quilts had no such restrictions advised. While there were only a handful of wall hangings displayed I can say I particularly loved this one by Tajima Akemi of Japan. Colour, design and renewable energy :) what's not to love.